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Crazy for ConTech with Matthew Lafferty & Brian Gonzalez, Curri


Welcome to ‘Crazy for ConTech’ with Romey Oulton, a Q&A focused on the Construction Technology Industry. 

This Q&A series is an opportunity for our Head of ConTech, Romey Oulton, to discuss all things construction technology with key players who are championing innovation and digitalisation in the construction space. 

This week we have been in touch with Matthew Lafferty and Brian Gonzalez, Co-Founders of Curri.

One day in late 2018, Matt & Brian got back home after a long day of talking with potential customers. A plumber by the name of Mike was working at Brian’s house, re-plumbing a bathroom. They got to talking and asked him, “Mike, how does delivery work in your industry?”

Mike’s eyes instantly lit up, and he proceeded to explain for the next two hours just how big of a problem delivery was in his industry:

“I make $80/hour. I drive a gas-guzzling truck. I would rather use my time finishing my client’s projects than driving around looking for supplies.”

It was apparent that Mike was passionate about this topic, so Brian and Matt began seeking out more trades workers to talk with — sure enough, they were all singing the same tune.

And, that’s the simple story of how they decided to go all-in on industrial delivery. They named their new venture Curri (of course) and embarked on the bold mission:

To be the way the world delivers construction and industrial supplies.

Having both come from out of industry, can you describe the inspiration behind Curri and what led you to the Built Environment Technology space? How has your previous experience aided what you’re doing today?

Matt: Matt was a touring musician in a metalcore band  post college. Then taught English at the National University of Laos for 7 years prior to starting Curri with Brian. 

Brian: Brian was formerly a Software Engineer who rose through the ranks at Los Angeles-based startups. He had a strong desire to leverage his experience while working at other startups at a startup of his own. 

Mike Buck, a plumber who was at Brian’s house one day, led us into this industry after showing us his passion for the intersection of logistics and construction.

Also see founding story at


Why the company name “Curri”? 

Curri comes from the word “Courier”. 

We are the verb for moving supplies in the built world–’just Curri it’. The capital ‘I’ in our logotype is a construction I-beam. 


What has been your biggest learning as Co-Founders? High/Low points as entrepreneurs so far? 

Matt: Remaining humble is key to success. It is needed in all circumstances. Humility is needed at every stage of developing and running a team, scaling a business, and even in difficult conversations at every level. Pride stunts every type of growth. It is impossible to receive and implement feedback if your ego is getting in the way.  Important to lead by example and root out pride where you find it…it’s a journey. 

Brian: The importance of Mission & Vision. No matter how much leaders hint at it during side conversations or one-off meetings, your mission and vision must be written down, made visible, and repeated early and often. Mission & Vision are like oxygen for employees, so if the leaders lack understanding of them or don’t believe in them, it makes for demotivated employees.


What will be the biggest trend in the Built Environment Tech space in 2024? What will be the biggest challenge?

Prevailing thoughts here are based around lessening workforce availability stressing the entire system. However, we believe there is a major shift occurring and Curri is a major part of this wave to drastically increase the efficiency of the built world through logistics. Each individual in the workforce will be able to achieve much more with less in the new era utilizing tech.  


Growth plans for Curri: 6 months, 1 year, 5 years (i.e: geographies, products, verticals, headcount, funding)

Curri’s been on a 5-year mission to own, end-to-end, the entire final mile logistics stack — from Services to Software. We are more than just a service provider, and we’re really showing that with our handful of recent launches. For the next several years (at least) we will continue layering on to our initial delivery marketplace offerings to provide best-in-class transportation software to our clients, allowing them to take their business to the next level.


Funding wise?

We are very attuned to our business, and we don’t like to let the tail wag the dog here. Infusions of capital via fundraising will be in service of our mission, and we’ll know when/if the time is right. Curri is in a power position due to its efficiency, and has no need to raise capital, should it choose that path.


In your experience, how highly do you value VC funding and support for a start-up to be successful? 

As a startup, you need cash to survive. This is due to the nature of how startups are designed. You intentionally burn cash for months or even years until you reach escape velocity. So, VCs are crucial from a cash infusion standpoint.

Second, not all VCs are created equally. At one end of the spectrum, you have overbearing VCs who want to control your roadmap (luckily Curri has none like this). On the other end, you have VCs who want to write a check and check out (this is a fine approach!). Somewhere in the middle you have a VC firm with a strong brand and who is resourceful and helpful. This type of firm is ideal for a startup because they are value add from a cash, brand, and rolodex perspective. Our cap table is ripe with this type


What is your guilty pleasure? And favorite song? Quote you live by? 


  • Guilty Pleasure: Listening to records in my fake Eames chair by the fire. 
  • Song: Blue Skies by Maxine Sullivan
  • Quote you live by: The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14


  • Guilty Pleasure: Cuddling up on the couch with my wife, watching some competition show like Great British Bake-Off or Legomasters, and enjoying a nice bowl of peanut butter cup ice cream
  • Song: Great question! I go from Kanye to country music to Bon Iver to Sting. Don’t put me in a box!
  • Quote you live by: I don’t know if I have a quote per se, but I do like to think my behavior is shaped by a handful of role models..
  • About my faith: Jesus
  • About business: Paul Graham
  • About day to day life, and how to treat people: My dad

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